In addition, several of our educational programs, affiliate programs, support groups, staff, and providers have a social media presence tied to the work we do in the Stead Family Department of Pediatrics.

The professional accounts held by individuals appointed by our department have content created and curated by those individuals, and not to be taken as medical advice or University of Iowa's stance on any topics discussed in these accounts.

Educational Programs

Divisions and Educational Programs

  • Pediatrics Residency Program (Instagram)
  • Pediatric Critical Care Fellowship (X)
  • Pediatric Nephrology Fellowship (X)
  • Division of Child Neurology (X)

Support Groups

Joining Hands Support Group

Private Facebook group for pediatric rheumatology patients and their families who receive care at University of Iowa Stead Family Children's Hospital. 

Heart Friends Support Group

Private Facebook group for families of children with congenital heart disease (CHD) cared for at the UI Stead Family Children’s Hospital, and who are members of the Heart Friends Support Group. The mission of Heart Friends is to provide emotional and educational support to parents and families who have children with CHD and to promote understanding and knowledge of these defects to the general public.

Adult Congenital Heart Friends Support Group

Private Facebook group for adults with congenital heart disease who are members of the Adult Chapter of Heart Friends Support Group. The adult chapter is intended to provide the same type of support and a platform to connect adults living with CHD. 

Stead Family Children’s Hospital

Institutional Affiliates