The Stead Family Department of Pediatrics has a strong history of impactful research.

Learn more about our investigators, their research interests, and labs.

Investigators and Labs by Division


Critical Care

  • Aditya Badheka, MD, MS: Studies optimal position of inferior vena cava filters, extracorporeal oxygenator failure, cardiovascular fluid dynamics, and use of computer-based technology in clinical teaching. 
  • Sarah Haskell, DO: Laboratory work on how the fetal environment impacts cardiovascular development and disease using an exposure model to investigate the effects of the antidepressant sertraline on cardiac development
  • Elizabeth Newell, MD: Studies the role of inflammation and the innate immune system in the pathogenesis of traumatic brain injury; and also the role of macrophage/microglia programming in the resolution of inflammation.
  • Cody Tigges, DO: Studies readiness of referring institutions and health care providers to provide initial resuscitation to critically ill children.

Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics

Endocrinology and Diabetes

  • Eirene Alexandrou, MD: growth researchTurner Syndrome, and short stature 
  • Vanessa Curtis, MD: childhood growth and of metabolic fitness in children
  • Lauren Kanner, MD: ovarian failure and polycystic ovarian syndrome in adolescents
  • Katie Larson Ode, MD, MS: pathophysiology of cystic fibrosis-related diabetes mellitus, with additional interest in the pathophysiology of diabetes associated with pancreatitis in children
  • Andrew Norris, MD, PhD: integrative physiology of diabetes across the lifespan
  • Liuska Pesce, MD: thyroid disorders including thryoid cancer and newborn thyroid screening
  • Catherina Pinnaro, MD: research-focused physician scientist focused on clinicogenetic studies of endocrine modifiers in selected populations, including Turner syndrome
  • Akhila Ramakrishna, MD: thyroid dysfunction, and novel possible treatments for obesity
  • Michael Tansey, MD: clinical investigator focused on management and prevention of type 1 diabetes
  • Eva Tsalikian, MD, professor emerita: leading investigator directing clinical studies related to diabetes


Gastroenterology, Hepatology, Pancreatology, and Nutrition

  • Dawn Ebach, MD: Pediatric inflammatory bowel disease
  • Riad Rahhal, MD: Short bowel syndrome and intestinal failure management, endoscopy in children and enteral nutritional support including feeding devices
  • Aliye Uc, MD: Cystic Fibrosis-related pancreatic disease, and acute and chronic pancreatitis in children

General Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine


  • David Gordon, MD, PhD: Developing innovative approaches to creating genetically defined, as well as biologically relevant, models of cancer in human cells by combining genomic data from the sequencing of cancer genomes with the pluripotent nature of human embryonic stem cells. 
  • David Dickens, MD
  • Anjali Sharathkumar, MBBS, MD, MS: Evaluating patient needs with hemophilia and other bleeding disorders. Evaluating phenotype of bleeding and thrombosis using thrombin generation parameters.
  • Janice Staber, MD: Development and application of vector systems for the treatment of inherited disorders. Factor VIII deficiency (also known as Hemophilia A) is a severe bleeding disorder causing disabling joint and muscle hemorrhages in those affected. Laboratory is investigating the development of integrating vector systems for the treatment of hemostatic disorders. They currently are focused on transposon mediated gene transfer to hepatocytes for treatment of hemophilia A. 
  • Jessica Zimmerman, MD: Long-term goal to identify mechanisms, both genomic and non-genomic, by which glucocorticoid activity can be specifically enhanced for the treatment of B-lymphblastic leukemia (B-ALL) and to use this knowledge to develop effective, less toxic glucocorticoid-based chemotherapy regimens for patients with B-ALL.

Infectious Disease

  • Sarah Beattie, PhD: Understanding how the pathogenic mold Aspergillus fumigatus causes disease and identifying novel antifungal treatments.
  • Damian Krysan, PhD, MD:  Understanding how pathogenic fungi cause disease, how the host defends against these fungal pathogens, and how to develop new therapies for human fungal diseases.
  • Melanie Wellington, MD, PhD: The interaction of the host with human fungal pathogens.
  • James Davis, MD, PhD:Understanding how the innate immune system interacts with potential pathogens over time, and how that determines outcomes like microbial clearance, persistence, or disseminated disease.


Medical Genetics and Genomics

  • John Bernat, MD, PhD
  • Bharatendu Chandra, MBBS:  Diagnosis, management, and study of rare neurological disorders.
  • Benjamin Darbro, MD, PhD: Studies genetic determinants of neurodevelopmental disorders, molecular mechanisms of cancer, and how the two seemingly unrelated conditions overlap at a genetic-network level. We perform our own bioinformatics and are actively engaged in the development of new analysis tools to better meet our needs and those of the scientific community.
  • Hatem El-Shanti, MD: Studies the identification of genetic factors that are responsible for human disorders with the goal of identifying biologic mechanisms and pathways underlying physiologic and developmental processes. Interested in studying rare single gene disorders, using multiple approaches including homozygosity mapping in the context of consanguinity, as well as genome sequencing.
  • Mark Schultz, PhD: Studies protein homeostasis and the underlying genetic causes of rare inherited childhood diseases.
  • Val Sheffield, MD, PhD: Research efforts have focused on the molecular genetics of monogenic disorders, as well as polygenic and multifactorial disorders. 
  • Moon Ley Tung, MBBS: Gene discovery in patients with inherited bone marrow failure syndromes and hereditary hematological malignancies.



  • Edward Bell, MD: Research to improve decisions about transfusing anemic preterm infants, reducing the need for transfusion, and identifying safer transfusion techniques. Researching hospital differences in outcome and approaches to care of extremely preterm infants. Creator of the Tiniest Babies Registry of infants who survived to discharge after being born with birth weight below 400 grams. 
  • Jennifer Bermick, MD: In the Bermick Lab, studies how the neonatal immune system develops under normal and inflammatory conditions. 
  • Timothy Boly, DO: Studies neonatal immunology, the effect of early life inflammation on neonatal outcomes, and neonatal hyperinflammatory disorders. His translational research involves neonatal capillary leak syndrome, with interests in underlying immunologic mechanisms, targeted therapies, and long-term outcomes. Part of the Inflammation Program
  • Tarah Colaizy, MD, MPH: Conducting a randomized clinical trial on the neurodevelopmental outcomes of extremely preterm infants fed donor milk or preterm infant formula.
  • John Dagle, MD, PhD: Studies optimization of nutrition in the late preterm infant, understanding the synergistic roles of probiotics and breast milk in the newborn, and promoting public health initiatives to improve the outcomes of all infants across Iowa.
  • Heidi Harmon, MD, MS: Studies developmental outcomes after extreme prematurity and neuroimaging; as well as developmental outcomes of high risk neonates, auditory environment of the NICU, and developmental consequences of maternal stress.
  • Amy Hobson, MD: Interested in predictive analytics and is working with the hemodynamics team to develop a predictive algorithm of the PDA trajectory in preterm infants, with the goal to improve practice guidelines and overall outcomes while remaining close to the patient bedside.
  • Patrick J. McNamara, MB, BCH, BAO, DCH, MSc (Paeds), MRCP, MRCPCH 
  • Allison M. Momany, PhD: In the Momany Lab, examines biologic and physiologic variation in preterm infants, and the extend to which these factors confer risk for neurodevelopmental impairment. Operates the Neonatal Biorepository, which aims to serve as a centralized resource for physicians and researchers to understand and treat conditions and diseases affecting today's neonates with intertwined developmental, genetic, and environmental risk factors. 
  • Danielle R. Rios, MD, MS: Studies real-time predictive analytics, and neonatal hemodynamics.
  • Robert Roghair, MD: The Roghair lab investigates the developmental origins of adult cardiometabolic disease. This work originated with the realization that an adverse perinatal environment increases the risk of adult hypertension and obesity.


Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplantation

  • Lyndsay Harshman, MD, MS: Research focuses on linking neuroimaging and neurocognitive assessments in this population to inform greater understanding of changes that may be occurring in the developing brain in parallel with progression of CKD. A greater understanding of the neurocognitive changes observed in this population will allow for targeted provider assistance with patient/family medical decision-making and medication compliance.
  • Kang Yu "Kathy" Lee Son, MD, MHSc, FRCPC
  • Jason Misurac, MD, MS: Improving Renal Outcomes Collaborative co-PI. Artificial Intelligence to improve patient outcomes and clinician burnout. 
  • Carla Nester, MD, MSA, FASN: Research platform using unique complement functional assays to better define the complement dysregulation in patients with complement mediated renal disease.
  • Amy Strong, MD, MSCE: Studies intravascular hemolysis and AKI in pediatric patients undergoing ECMO; and the long-term renal outcomes in pediatric patients treated with ECMO.
  • Hua Sun, MD, PhD: The Sun Lab works to understand the mechanism behind diabetic podocytopathy, the most prevalent of human podocytopathies.



  • Alex Bassuk, MD, PhD: Research focuses on the neuroanatomy, molecular biology, protein biochemistry, and genetic mechanisms in human diseases and animal models.
  • Aaron Boes, MD, PhD: Neuroimaging and noninvasive brain stimulation.
  • Michael Ciliberto, MD: Clinical improvement in the treatment and diagnosis of epilepsy.
  • Anna Dabrowski, MD, PhD: How epilepsy-associated gene variants alter the brain during development, specifically with a focus on synaptic connections between neurons.
  • Joseph Glykys, MD, PhD: Research interests include neuronal volume, GABA A receptors, neocortex, seizures and neonatal seizures.
  • Jing Jiang, PhD: How to better understand the neural and psychological processes underlying social interaction and their relations to neuropsychiatric and neurodevelopmental disorders. 
  • Katherine Mathews, MD: Participant in multicenter natural history studies in Duchenne muscular dystrophy and Friedreich ataxia. Directs a natural history and outcome measure study of the dystroglycanopathies, a group of rare types of muscular dystrophy, as part of the Iowa Wellstone Muscular Dystrophy Specialized Research Center. Site PI for industry-sponsored clinical trials for neuromuscular diseases.
  • Levi Sowers, PhD: Studies the neurocircuitry underlying migraine and post-traumatic headache. Podcast | Scopus


Pediatric Psychology

  • Amy Conrad, PhD: Focused on the evaluation of Neuropsychological Development and Outcome in Craniofacial Diagnoses as well as the structural and Functional Imaging of Neuropsychological.
  • Kelly Schieltz, PhD: Focused on the training parents in their homes on behavior analytic procedures in-vivo and via telehealth as well as evaluates behavioral persistence and treatment relapse for both challenging behavior and academic behavior when treatment is challenged.


Pulmonary Medicine

  • Richard Ahrens, MD (Emeritus Faculty)
  • Anthony Fischer, MD, PhD: Interested in identifying host and bacterial factors that may contribute to persistent airway infection in cystic fibrosis.
  • Paul McCray, MD: Interests include airway epithelial cell biology and the pathogenesis and treatment of the recessive disease cystic fibrosis.
  • Christoph Randak, MD: Interested in the structure and molecular function of the "cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator" (CFTR) and other ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter, pathophysiology and therapy of cystic fibrosis, and development and implementation of methods to determine lung disease progression using instrumental pulmonary function measurements in infants and children.
  • Scott Sheets, DO
  • Patrick Sinn, PhD: Research goal is to explore mechanisms of viral entry in the lungs for disease prevention or gene therapy applications.


Rheumatology, Allergy, and Immunology

  • Polly Ferguson, MD: Research interests include Genetic Aspects of Inflammatory Disorders.
  • Sandy Hong, MD: Research interests include evaluation of B Lymphocyte Stimulator in Children with Rheumatic Disease, MRI Findings in Pediatric Patients with Spondyloarthropathy, and Health Related Quality of Life Measure in Pediatric Lupus.
  • Scott Lieberman, MD, PhD, MS: Research interests include the role of T cells in the initiation of lacrimal and salivary gland autoimmunity characteristic of Sjögren disease.
