The Stead Family Department of Pediatrics clinical services are strong and growing.

Providing exceptional and comprehensive patient and family centered care remains one of our central values and is a core mission in the Stead Family Department of Pediatrics. The breadth of specialty care that we provide is unduplicated in our region. Consequently, many of the most complex, critically ill and severely injured children seek care at University of Iowa Stead Family Children’s Hospital.

We are the regional safety net for children providing clinical services that simply are not available elsewhere in the state. Our goal is to grow our regional presence and establish UI Stead Family Children's Hospital as a destination children’s hospital in the Midwest and beyond.

Our broad subspecialists work together toward positive outcomes for our intensive patients.  

Overview of Pediatric Services

The Stead Family Department of Pediatrics provides care in several outpatient settings.

  • Specialty ambulatory care services are provided in the Pediatric Specialty Clinics (PSC) and the Center for Disabilities and Development (CDD), located in a separate building on the health sciences campus.
  • Multiple specialty “day” clinics are provided in outreach sites across the state.
  • Convenient locations.
  • Child Health Specialty Clinics, Iowa’s Title V program for children with special health care needs, provides gap-filling child assessment services and community based care coordination in field offices across the state.

Browse Our Services and Providers

Stead Family Children’s Hospital on Wednesday, March 16, 2022.

A Location Near You

The Stead Family Department of Pediatrics has a variety of clinical locations. Browse our available locations here.

Critical care specialists in the PICU Aditya Badheka, Sarah Haskel and Cody Tigges on Tuesday, June 13, 2023.

Providers to Meet Your Need

We have providers that are ready to see you. Browse our department's providers in the UIHC.ORG Find a Provider search experience.

Dr. Stephanie Lee with a Vein of Galen patient in the NICU on Thursday, June 8, 2023. Patient consent form on file.

A Variety of Services

The Stead Family Department of Pediatrics offers you a variety of clinical services. You can learn more about what we offer here.